Step by Step instruction

On this page you find CairngormFlex Assistant Step by Step instruction.


Use Flex Builder for Create Flex Project. One Java projects should be in workspace.

Check CairngormFlex Preferences.

Select Flex Project and open "New" wizard. Select "Other..." item.

Expand "CairngormFlex Assistant" category and select "Create or Configure Framework"

Assistant check Cairngorm Flex enviroument and show result.
Button "Fix configuration problem" enabled if Assistant find any configuration problem.
Click it for fixing.

Assistant fix problem, check Cairngorm Flex enviroument and show result again.
Correct result on screenshot below.

Select Flex Project and open "Properties".
Select "Project References".
Select need Java Projects because Assistant use their source code for investigation.

Select Flex Project and open "New" wizard. Select "Other..." item.
Expand "CairngormFlex Assistant" category and select "Create infrastructure from Java BD"

Input Java class name.

Assistant search matching resources and show their.
Select Java class from list.

Assistant investigate selected Java class and show available methods.
Select method from list.

Assistant investigate Service Destinations and Remote Objects and to call attention to "Use found" or "Create new" service.

Assistant analyse and show all information will used for create Flex Source.

Assistant prepare to generate Flex source code and show selected one.

Assistant to generate Flex source code and can open all of them.
